On January 27, 2025, Yuri Yanchyshyn gave the Annual General Meeting Talk at the International Institute for Conservation in London, entitled Conservation in Wartime Ukraine - Context, Challenges, Opportunities. This presentation, given by an AIC Wooden Artifacts conservator, Fulbright Specialist, and Scholar to Ukraine before the war, introduced the attendees to the objects and dedicated individuals who cared for this heritage while providing an integral 20c historical context. It concluded by assessing the wartime situation today and outlined pathways for the future.
“Yuri Yanchyshyn, a conservator of wooden artifacts and a researcher and scholar, has been volunteering with the project. He recalled being “dumbfounded” the first time he entered a wooden tserkva. The churches are an example of vernacular, or folk architecture, he said, built by local parishioners and craftsmen. Many have no nails and are held together with either pegs or mortise and tenon joinery. “
On October 3, 2024, Yuri Yanchyshyn, Fulbright Specialist and Scholar, gave a Ukrainian language presentation on “An Introduction to the Microscopic Wood Identification of Works of Art” at the Lviv Polytechnic National University in Lviv, Ukraine. This lecture builds on the knowledge presented during his lecture on “The Structure and Properties of Wood” of February 4, 2024. A handout accompanying this talk is available here
On October 3, 2024 the Ukrainian language edition of The Conservation of Medieval Polychrome Wood Sculpture was presented at the Lviv Book Forum. Originally written by Michelle Marincola and Lucretia Kargere, the book was published to wide acclaim by Getty Publications in 2020. The presentation was hosted at the National Museum of Andrij Sheptytsky in Lviv, Ukraine, by Oksana Bila. It brought together Lydia Lykhach, the Chief Editor of RODOVID Press (the Ukrainian language publisher), the translation editorial team, and guests.
On May 27, 2024, Yuri Yanchyshyn delivered this presentation as part of a Ukrainian Institute and other organizations sponsored three day conference in Berlin, entitled “From Crisis To Future: New Responsibilities for Museums in Ukraine.” Further information regarding the conference can be found at the following link https://obmin.eu/conference.php
23 травня 2024 року, Юрій Янчишин прочитав лекцію на тему "Замилене Око проти Досвідченого - Mеблеве Шахрайство та Проблеми Зберігання" для Міжнародної наукової конференції “Пам’ятки Рухомої Мистецької Спадщини: Проблеми Обліку, Захисту та Реставрації,” яка відбулася у Національному університеті "Львівська Політехніка." Тема доповіді обговорює одну з найвидатніших підробок в історії американського декоративного мистецтва, Крісло Брюстера, що є дуже актуальною через російську війну в Україні.
On May 23, 2024, Yuri Yanchyshyn gave a presentation at the International Academic Conference "Monuments of Movable Artistic Heritage: Problems of Accounting, Protection and Conservation," in Lviv, Ukraine. The theme of his talk was the fakery of the Brewster Chair, one of the most famous examples of decorative arts deception in the United States, at the Henry Ford Museum in the 1970s.
On May 10, 2024, Yuri Yanchyshyn, wooden artifacts conservator and Fulbright Specialist and Scholar, spoke at the Ukrainian Canadian Students Union (SUSK) Conference in Toronto, Canada, presenting “Preserving Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage During Wartime.” This presentation briefly introduces Ukraine’s 20c wooden artifacts and highlights a preventive conservation initiative to digitally scan eleven wooden tserkvas (churches) of eastern Ukraine during wartime.
On April 22, 2024, Yuri Yanchyshyn, Fulbright Specialist and Scholar, gave a Ukrainian language presentation on “The Degradation of Wood - Mold and Insects” to the members and guests of the The International Council Museums - Ukraine, Conservation Section. This presentation introduced listeners to mold and insects as agents of wooden objects degradation, and current methods of identification and treatment.
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 2022 has included the wholesale destruction, damage and looting of Ukraine’s cultural heritage, including a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This intentional destruction is a loss not only for Ukraine but also for humankind. Ukrainian scientific communities need more resources to address these challenges. In response, Red Arch Cultural Heritage Law and Policy Research partnered with Lviv Polytechnic National University to initiate a program of preventive conservation to fund the digital scanning of eleven historic wooden churches in eastern Ukraine, some of which are very close to the war zone. The success of those initial efforts has led our team to expand on this initiative in 2024, and to launch separate initiatives that will strengthen conservation education and conservation science in Ukraine.
On January 30, 2024, Yuri Yanchyshyn, Fulbright Specialist and Scholar, gave a Ukrainian language presentation on The Structure and Properties of Wood to the members and guests of the Conservation Section of The International Council Museums - Ukraine. This presentation introduced listeners to microscopic wood identification and the effects of moisture on wood.